Sunday, December 28, 2014

Power to the dream

Hello High Heelers
What a year it has been! It feels like 2014 has flashed past in a blink and before we know it, 2015 will have taken over. Talking about over, my diet is very much that. The festive season has been good to my taste buds, but less so to my belt buckle. As the New Year approaches, I’ll be making one of those resolutions to start exercising more and eating healthier – along with the rest of you. And by the end of January, I’ll probably be back on the couch with pizza and chocolate.
Oh, the promises we make to ourselves and break are worse than the promises we break to others. We seem far more comfortable letting ourselves down, than others. I already know I’m not going to succeed at my resolutions. And yet, come January 1st I’ll be making a list of things I want to achieve in the coming year. When I make a promise to someone dear to me, I’ll stick to it with all my willpower. But when I make a promise to myself, there’s much less chance I’ll see it through to the end. That makes me think – if I really want to achieve anything on my list of ‘things to do while I still have all my hair and teeth’ then I better start being more reliable to myself.
I made a sweeping statement (as I do sometimes) a few months back. In front of my aunt, I casually blurted “I wish someone had told me in my twenties that stuff doesn't just happen - you have to make it happen.” Her eyebrows narrowed a little as she answered carefully “Oh I’m sure many people told you that, you just didn’t listen.” Well, fair enough. I’m sure they did. I was an idiot not to listen. And if I’m still learning the same lesson in ten years’ time, I’ll be even sillier.
Now, this is quite a straightforward concept, so forgive me for sounding so blatantly obvious and perhaps a little patronising – but it’s really something I’ve failed at epically at times (and maybe you can relate?) How about we place our lives on the path we want, by making the right choices? Want to marry a good guy? Start dating nice guys. Want to spend more time with your family? Spend less time at work and more time at home. Want a career at Google? Send them your CV, find out where they have skills shortage, match your skills to the gaps, do an extra course... turn up and impress. Want to be happy? Start doing things that make you happy. You can tell yourself that it’s not that simple. But it kind of is. The excuses we make (as practical and real as they are) are really just us cheating on our dreams with our fears.
Yep, the f-word. We give power to our fears by allowing ourselves to think about them, to fixate on them. As many of you know – I love to travel. Travel is more than a hobby to me, it’s an activity that is necessary for my wellbeing. To me home is not a place, it is the collection of places I’ve been that have touched my heart. Travel grows my experience, stretches my mind, and exposes me to new things and interesting cultures. I can’t function fully as my best self if I’m not travelling from time to time. But I’m terrified of flying. I’m extremely claustrophobic. From the moment I step onto a plane till the second the tires hit the tarmac at my destination I’m having a full panic attack – the kind that makes your heart race, palms clam up and your breath quicken to hyperventilation. The kind that makes you feel like you’re going to die.
I make choices based on this fear. I avoid flights at all costs and when I take them, I stress for days and my whole world feels upside down. I give into the fear. I let it win. I let my dreams die a little every time I choose not to go somewhere because I can’t face getting onto a flight (especially a long one). I’ve missed out on many beautiful moments, amazing places and lifelong memories – I’ve lost a part of my heart. Not to say that fear isn’t real – it’s very real.  But when I learn to not think about it and not worry about it I will start to free myself from it. I will start to own it, rather than allow it to control me.
As we sprint towards the New Year, why not make some real promises to yourself and actually keep them? I’m going to make a resolution in front of all of you reading this. I’m going to start to step away from my fear. I’m going to step towards my dreams instead. I’m going to go to new places on 2015. I’m going to be braver. I’m going to see new things. I’m going to be inspired, so that I can try to inspire others. I’m going to write more. I’m going to move and be moved. I’m going to do these things. I’m going to give my dreams more power than I give my fears.
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