Monday, August 13, 2012

Dinner for one

Hello High Heelers,

I feel like a moron today. Well, I pretty much feel like a moron most days. But today I feel like a super-moron. Step aside Wonder Woman, Super-Moron is to the rescue! Did you know that superhero women wear high heeled boots? They do. All of them. They’re magnificent. And I’m not. Sigh! The joys of the single life really can catch up with a High Heeler. So, why the idiot-label and self-pity? Here goes…

As most of you know, I went through getting divorced before I even got married last year. And then more recently, I discovered that my ex-fiancĂ©e was Tiger Woods’ clone (without the golf playing, nice bank balance and subsequent high divorce settlement – damn!) And amidst all of this madness I found myself getting wrapped up in something new, romantic-ish and intriguing, as you do. In the excitement of the new ‘friendship’ I bit the proverbial bullet and invited my ‘friend’ over to impress him with my culinary prowess and Wonder Woman skills – yep, I was going to be cooking (meat nogal – I’m a vegetarian) in heels. Bang bang! How impressive is that, right? Phoow!

But my plans went in their own silly direction and shot me in the foot. Those sneaky little things. Sigh! They went like this… I casually invited him over for a Sunday afternoon/evening at mine via message, on Friday (new note to self – casual invite to man = stupid. They need details). He responded that he’d have to shuffle plans, but that he’d be there. This in my language meant that he’d turn up in the afternoon/evening (i.e. 5/6ish). But somehow, a universe-sized, ‘men are from Mars-type’ communication vacuum snuck in between my phone and his, which are technically only separated by a mere five kilometres of urban jungle and numerous highly-effective cellphone reception towers – just saying. And indeed, you all guessed it, didn’t you? I found myself on Sunday evening, ‘all dressed up and nowhere to go’ with a house filled with loneliness and yummy food scents.

Perhaps it’s just me, but I take people by their word. If I say I’ll see you on Saturday at 11:00, at Vovo Telo’s in Lonehill, I’ll be there. No confirmation necessary. Done. This body will be seated at a table at the arranged place, at the arranged time. Or you can slap me silly and call me Susan! Now imagine my disbelief when I went all Martha Stewart on Sunday (starting at 12:30pm, I might add – mostly stated for effect, though it’s the truth) preparing for imminent arrival of said masculine ‘friend’ who did not arrive.

At 4pm, I was a proudly ignorant domestic goddess with wooden spoon in hand, meal cooked, table set, entertainment prepared, frivolous frock on body, perfume wafting from my every pore, shaved legs donning super high heels (despite the cold), with freshly blow-dried hair and perfect make-up. On phone messaging the ‘friend’ to ask him when I could expect him to arrive, he responded an hour later to inform me that he was tired from his afternoon and was off home – he wouldn’t make it this time unfortunately (not even the word ‘sorry’ was thrown in for effect). 

So 5pm, me still in kitchen with heels on, packing food into containers, previously impressed by my wonderfulness and ability to drop my stupid uber-feminist-I-won’t-cook-for-a-man-mentality I felt a little beaten (like with the wooden spoon) and a lot stirred (like as in the opposite of the fabulous James Bond). In fact I was dripping with egg on my face and ego on the floor. I was in a state of horrifiedness (which is now officially a real word). I can only imagine how upset Martha would be. Fair enough. It was my own fault. I clearly misjudged the budding friendship. I set completely unfair expectations without communicating properly. And basically, I am a stupidly idealistic idiot. A disappointed one at that.

What does a meal of utter disappointment taste like? Well, it’s something between dog poo (which in all honesty I actually have never tasted but can imagine quite vividly) and Grampa headache pills (without the painkilling effect). Oh, and it stinks! I haven’t been that disappointed in a while – barring stupid ex-stories which are unfair to use as any comparison in my current or future life. Ever.
The thing is, in this modern world of chaos, over-communication and disruptive mayhem we have stopped sticking to our word because we have so many ways of changing it and getting the new message out within spilt-seconds. We cancel meetings at the last minute. We don’t turn up to big parties when we think that there will be so many people there that we won’t be missed – uh, you were catered for, it’s bad manners to just not pitch. But what’s worse, we say things and then don’t follow through for no reason at all, or we simply forget.

May I encourage you all to be the people who are a little old fashioned this week? (I know Martha approves on this one.) May I suggest that it’s right and proper to manage people’s expectations and do what you say you’re going to do? Stick to your word and speak with meaning. People may continue to disappoint us, High Heelers. But let’s be the consistent ones that stand up, heel up and show up anyway.

Have a wonderful week.

Yours in heels,


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Anonymous said...

Jo, what's happened to you is all about "them" not you, no cause to beat yourself up at all!! Not a whisker!! We live in a world of self serving egoists. They lack moral fibre (character), they lack self respect, they think they have self esteem when it is actually self adulation. They have no humility, no morals and an ethical code resembling in quality the pirates of old. They don't even bother with basic etiquette. They do not suffer embarrassment. On the bright side, they do have meaningless relationships with the like "minded" and will probably end up lonely without knowing why;Karma. Forget about them, they're not worth a thought. Deceit, insincerity, guile, manipulation and egoism are characteristics which are far removed from who you are, and it's quite normal to assume others you relate to have similar characteristics and values. Pity you were wrong but you gave them every chance. NONE OF WHAT HAS BEFALLEN YOU LATELY is YOUR FAULT! Never become cynical,just a bit cautious. You are an absolute gem and sooner or a later an uncommon and deserving man will find you. Just send the others packing quickly and don't waste time with them.
Much love, Unc C

TarynHSmart said...

Hey Jo - While its commendable for you to take some responsibility in your Dinner for One affair, I have to ask, when did it become acceptable to stand up a friend (romantic or platonic).
As women we can be a little to quick to 'get over' things and to make excuses when others disappoint. It is okay for us to feel disappointed when we are let down and we should acknowledge that disappointment. Along with that comes the responsibility to let the 'offending' party know (calmly and politely, of course) why we were disappointed - if the person values the friendship, they should appreciate the feedback and be sure to respond in a way that shows they are genuinely sorry. I realise that this is all far easier said than done. Instead, the fiercely independent woman, stands stronger and taller, letting the person off the hook by rationalising what happened and shouldering the responsibility. And said individual is never the wiser as to why we are suddenly a little less communicative, a little more dismissive, a little more non-chalant with them. Sometimes we're a bit too strong for our own good.
I recall years ago being 'stood up' on Valentines Day. While there was nothing 'official' going on, there was mutual interest. We were both working in the hospitality industry at the time and had made arrangements to meet up for a late dinner after our working commitments had been completed. Unfortunately he got stuck at some industry event and didn't think to let me know he wouldn't make it. I swallowed my disappointment with my takeaway dinner and waited on an apology that never arrived so I rationlised it all away and kept busy. A few years later, our paths crossed again in different circles. I realised he was unaware of how disappointed I was that evening. I did such a good job of hiding it. He mistook my 'strength' for loss of interest and moved on. To his credit, he was most apologetic. Fortunately, we were able to have a good laugh at ourselves and I guess found a bit of closure. Sometimes we need to be a little more (wisely)vulnerable with our friends, allowing them the opportunity to step up for us. Here's hoping you are whisked off for a romantic dinner very soon in appreciation for the amazing woman you are.

Jo Sharpe said...

Ah... support is sweet enough to remove the taste of disappointment :) THANK YOU Taryn and Unc C, you made my morning!

Taryn, I totally agree with you point that friends shouldn't stand up friends - platonic or romantic. It's quite sad that we allow our romantic partners to get away with things that we would never let our general mates off the hook for. Great point! And indeed, it's time for me to (wo)man up and kindly let that friend know that his behaviour is not acceptable and that's why I've vanished from his life - not because I'm strong, but because I'm vulnerable and I choose to protect my heart. Maybe he'll learn something - maybe he won't. But the truth will be worth it, nonetheless.

Uncle Chris, I just love your pirate metaphor. Indeed. So many modern men have become pirates - drinking, partying and living it up at the expense of those who land in their paths. I think what I need to learn, is that like good ladies of old times, it's best to steer clear of pirates. We see them coming, they're seldom in disguise, but they seem so charming and fun. I'm off to find someone with values that match mine (those same values that you helped build :))

Thanks for the encouragement


PennyF said...

i wish you'd called a bunch of mates over with bottle of wine in hand and a plenty of hugs to go around. How utterly disappointing! What a knob for passing up a wonderful early evening soiree with gorgeous, fantastic you!

Jo Sharpe said...

Hey Penny, guess what I'm doing tonight? I have called over a good mate to attack that meaty dinner (which is in the process of bring unfrozen) and appropriate amounts of wine (for a school night). Thanks for the good suggestion. Here comes the follow through. You're too lovely - thank you :)