Monday, November 26, 2012

Opportunities from calamities

Hello High Heelers,
I spent this weekend in a caffeine-induced, mild coma. The caffeine was to ensure that I wasn’t in a complete coma. Really. With the exception of a quick breakfast with a close friend on Saturday morning, I lived in track pants, t-shirts and ballet pumps, caught up on overflow work that I haven’t got to in ages and slept – a lot. I have never felt this exhausted, ever. Even when I worked in a hectic advertising agency, where we had some pretty rough end of year stretches (that sometimes turned nights into days and days into eye-scratching sleep-deprived, coffee-overdosed, sickly Tartarus torture) did I ever feel this narcoleptic. When I got up this morning and began dressing for the office, I couldn’t help but wonder where the weekend went. I had to turn on the news to confirm that it was indeed Monday.
As many of you know, I’ve had a rough year (poor me!) I have many adjectives in my word bank to describe how it’s been – disastrous, painful, hideous, revolting, treacherous, gut-wrenching… you all know that I’m one for words, so I could literally go on and on for pages of dribble and trite misery. But I care for you readers, deeply, so I won’t. At the risk of sounding dramatic (which I don’t normally worry about that much!) it feels like nothing has gone my way this year. Nothing! In a moment of feeling deeply sorry for myself this weekend I reflected on my negative attitude and feelings of late and wondered how to turn my mood upside down. The way I feel and the emotions I’ve been allowing over the past week are completely my own construct so surely I can deconstruct and rebuild? You know – like an extreme mood make-over!
Whenever I’m in discussions with my CEO and I begin a sentence with the words “the challenge here is…” he corrects me and says “you mean the opportunity.” When he does that it stops me mid-sentence every time and makes me think about things differently. So I’ve been thinking about that more and more over the past days. It’s been a tough period in my life, sure, but it’s also been a wonderful time – forcing me to spend a lot of time rebuilding  broken dreams, thinking deeply about who I am, what I really want and what I stand for. In fact, hold on… wait… it’s been an awesome year! I discovered that I actually have a really great sense of humour and can laugh at myself hysterically, uninhibited, unoffended. I haven’t done that in ages. I also came to the wonderful conclusion that my gut instinct is spot on and that I should never ignore it when I feel uneasy around people and situations.
The greatest opportunities I’ve gained from this year, include the privilege of realising that I’m far stronger than I ever believed. I restructured my life, my social calendar and created a home space that is completely mine, which I adore. I’ve come to recognise that my own company is pretty damn good and that I’d rather be hanging out with me, than with anyone who puts me down or shares untruths. I cut out all of the clutter that shouldn’t take my energy or time. I grew new friendships circles, re-established special connections, refreshed my family relationships. I discovered salsa, French champagne (in moderation – for the belly and the budget!), Revenge (the TV show – not the action!), singing out loud in my apartment with the music turned up and YouTube flash mobs (love them!)
Where you spend your time, you will gain value (or lack thereof). Just like where you spend your money. If you splash out on an old car that’s falling apart, you run the risk of getting stranded – invest in a bad relationship and the same thing is likely to happen. May I suggest that this week you keep an eye on quality and spend your time, energy and care on those, and that, which is deserved of your efforts? And for those of you who are feeling a little dishevelled at the end of the year, remember that though you’ve been possibly been through hard times, you’ve actually also been presented with numerous opportunities along the way – and they’re still there if you’re willing to see them, grab them and make them your triumphs.
This week let’s take the opportunity to heel up and appreciate the positive things that surround us. Let’s go! And if you’re still feeling a little low, may I suggest you download Bruno Mars “Just the Way you Are” and serenade yourself – loudly. Cheesy, perhaps, but I assure you that you’re amazing just the way you are and someone needs to tell you – it might as well be yourself! Have a wonderful week.
Yours in heels,
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I think you're amazing ... and I admire the way you have "picked yourself up, dusted yourself off & started all over again" (another song - from my older generation!)Mxx