Monday, September 3, 2012

Bank balancing act

Hello High Heelers,

It’s confession time. Yep – indeedy! So this weekend I allowed myself a little (I use the word ‘little’ here as a teeny tiny little bit of an under exaggeration) retail therapy. In my defence, you all know that I’ve had a few months of really tough stuff on the personal front. I mean, it’s not every year that you realise that your ‘picket fence dreams’ were more ‘figment of imagination’ than reality and your whole world falls to little pieces of shattered optimism. I’d go on a whole rampage about how it’s the exes fault, but I’m sure you’re all over that by now, and it’s time I take responsibility and accountability, grow up and grow on!

Right, so I hit the shops credit card in purse (which I had just paid off – uh, 3 days earlier) and set to ‘summer up’ my cupboard. I had drawn up a list of things to buy – because I’m a list person and because I’m being responsible in my new single state of grown-up-ed-ness. The list included: a new pair of heels (mostly, just because), 2 skirts, two tops and a pair of running trousers (because I’m going to start using that very expensive gym membership soon – of course). Guess what I left with? Six full bags of stuff that took three trips up my three flights of stairs to move from my car to my house (which made me feel even more single!) Plus, I no longer need that gym membership!

So how well did I do at meeting the budget and list? Hmmm. Guilty as charged. Not well. Epic fail. So this month is going to get rather tight towards the last weeks which will leave me eating cream crackers and margarine – which most women (myself included) are allergic to as it makes us fat, adding to the gym complexity. This is not a good situation – despite the fact that I’ll be looking really great in my four new pairs of killer heels (yes – four). On second thought – not so bad!

In all honesty, we need to watch our finances High Heelers. At work and at home. As much as I’d love to blow my marketing budget on high end advertising campaigns and sexy stuff, it’s just not what’s right for our business at the moment. I need to spend on elegant placements that add value and represent the brand appropriately. In my personal life, it’s much the same – stick to the budget, don’t waste on fads that will have no value tomorrow and buy quality that will last and add elegance to the wardrobe in the long run.

This week as we get ready for the new season (summer for us down south and winter for you up north) let’s remember to put together a budget, to stick to what we can afford and get the best use from what we’ve already got. Though retail therapy is cheaper than actual therapy (I’m convinced) it still has the ability to add to your troubles rather than alleviate them. Stay out of debt, live within your means and be responsible for your spending. You’ll never climb the ladder if you can’t keep your personal balance in check.

On that note – I’m off un-shopping. It’s time to really weigh up the value and learn the lesson. But I am keeping those 4 pairs of heels! Have a wonderful, responsible week.

Yours in heels,

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can give you lots of unshopping hints if you have time! The fun will last much longer if you try on other things, take them home & then go unshopping again! BUT make sure you do it all before your monthly credit card closing date! Your most loyal fan who loves you the mostest! Mxx