Monday, July 23, 2012

Walk a mile in your shoes

Hello High Heelers,
Today I’m not doing the mooshy, smooshy, ‘poor me,’ ‘let me pour out my heart’ stuff. I know you all like it. Goodness – I like it too. It bonds us together and makes us as tight as a pair of new leather Gucci pumps. But there’s only so much of the super-sensitive stuff a High Heeler can take without becoming a sister with too many blisters! Indeed. I believe I am firmly back up on my heels – healed(ish). Sure, it’s a process. But I’ve decided that the process has now been completed. Done. Tick. One ugly situation behind me and a million great experiences ahead. Let’s go!

While having lunch with a well-shoed-flat-heeled-one (lovely little black Nike sneakers I might add) this weekend, I realised that some of you may feel a little left out due to your inability to stand tall in a literal sense. Right, so let’s be real: living life literally needs to happen in the correct circumstances. For instance, when my boss Natalie Maroun says: “I need this project to be completed by tomorrow” (in her scary stern voice). Literally, she means I need to wrap it up by the end of the next day, or face impending doom and possible-loss-of-life. It would be very unwise to find any weird figurative meaning from such words, on account of preservation of life, keeping ones’ head connected to the neck region and what-not.

But when we look at ‘standing tall in heels’, I’ve realised that so many of us stand together on all kinds of levels. Last week I had a phonecall from a special lady, who calls herself the ’grey-haired granny’ (she knows who she is ;)) who shared her sad story with kindness and care. Was she in heels? Uh, I hope not! In fact, I expect she was in a pair of well-worn slippers that fit like old friends – full of comfort and warmth. I’ve had emails from the toughest dudes who have been man-enough to share their sensitive heartache – the kind of guys who would never be caught dead in anything pink (not even salmon – it’s allegedly pink), fluffy or feminine. The calls have come in and the messages have brought so much healing, mostly from non-heeled folk.

And so, I have come to a major realisation this week. Yes I have. And no, it’s not that I’m tougher than a ten ton truck – that’s what I learnt last week, and the week before. This week I discovered that we’re all walking along a journey that is unique to us. You’re the one who has to walk a mile in your shoes. You have to do the hard yards in your footwear and weather the bruises. What’s important in us taking this road together is that we keep just walking (that is my little punt for Johnny Walker!) So, whatever it is that takes you through and helps you stand tall, is the best kind of wear for you (literally and figuratively!)

To the dudes in the gumboots who work hard every day, to the talented performers in point shoes and pain, to the slipper-wearing ladies of lovely words and the sneaker-running friends who keep push us along... All of us who have found our way to stand tall, matter. So this week, as I blow dust off my highest heels I’m standing with you as you shoe-up in your own special way. Let’s prepare for one hell of a journey.

Let’s take this week from the ground and keep climbing higher. Let’s walk together….

Yours in heels,

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Ekwa MO said...

Amen! Love you!

Ekwa MO said...

Amen! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the growing honesty - and realisation that it takes more than highheels to kickass

Jo Sharpe said...

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Ekwa - you are an amazing lady and I appreciate you so much. To the Anonymouses - I am humbled by your kind words and your thoughts, thank you.