Monday, February 6, 2012

Googling Me

Hello High Heelers

As part of my job I randomly check my leadership teams’ online reputations from time to time. Today I ‘googled’ my boss, Natalie Maroun. I was half expecting to find pictures of her modelling Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Louboutin masterpieces. Instead, I realised that I’ve done a relatively good job with her name, as there she was, the 1st place Natalie Maroun (out of a list of quite a few), in all the right places. The right places being business places and not in fashion magazines, sadly.

This little searching expedition got the better of my ego. So I decided to Google myself for the first time. Ok – I’m a bad liar, but it was the first time this year! And guess what? I am not the 1st Joanne Sharpe (or Jo Sharpe, for that matter). Nope. There is another one who comes in first and she runs a business with a whimsical name. And guess what they do? Arts and crafts – as in knitting, sewing, fabric painting and the like! Can you imagine my horror? I am distant second place to a woman twice my age that knits! I’m sure she’s terribly talented and is a wonderful person, but it’s completely unbearable.

Now, I would probably be less offended (and nasty) if I could actually knit or do anything useful in the ‘creation of clothes’ area. But truthfully, I am no domestic goddess. I broke the last sewing machine that I attempted to use, I don’t/can’t sew on buttons and I never darn socks. In the event that my socks have holes appearing, my general response is ‘darn you socks – you’re going in the rubbish bin.’ See? Useless. So I find myself completely mortified at the idea of losing name (and face) to woman who can sew stuff – darn well!

So to stroke my ego a little I have spent much of today reminding myself of all the things I am good at. I can write (this is where you all nod in agreement and making cheering noises – thank you). I can swim (when I have to, often to avoid drowning). I can motivate people – go team! I can think up creative marketing ideas. I can cook (I learnt how this Christmas ). I can put together a great outfit and enhance it with accessories. There are so many things I can do. The list goes into the hundreds (there goes my ego again). What I can’t do is knit. And you know what – so what!?!

We often look at other people who are successful, who have talents that are completely different to ours, and compare ourselves to them. It’s quite ridiculous. We all have our own unique and special gifts. We can do things that nobody else can do. And since we’re not actors and musicians (or in this case – knitters) our wonderfulness is not out in the open for the world to see and applaud.

As I look down at my pretty dress today, I appreciate that a talented artist created the fabric, that a brilliant designer dreamt up the style and a nimble-fingered seamstress brought the vision to life (someone like my name thief). I can’t do any of those things. But I can stand tall in the knowledge that I am exceptional at being me.

This week let’s be fair to ourselves and focus on what we’re good at. Let’s acknowledge that we need to work on our weaknesses but remember to push our positives to the forefront, as we stand tall and put our best foot forward. Have a wonderful week High Heelers.


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