Monday, January 23, 2012

Heel up and heal!

Hello High Heelers

First up, sincere apologies are due – I am deeply sorry for deserting you at end of last year and vanishing faster than the last crispy roast potato on Christmas Day, without guilt or excuse. I do hope that you find it in your hearts to forgive me. I will forever be your partner in heels, but I’ve been tending to ‘healing’ of a different kind lately. You see, sadly, my fiancée and I ended our wedding plans and parted ways. So for the past three weeks I’ve been in flats and feeling rather downtrodden. I even spent four days in pyjamas watching looped reruns of a show where brides pick their wedding dresses at some exclusive NY store – how very Bridget Jones of me (please don’t tell anyone!)

But never fear! Upon seeing my scary toes, chewed nails and terrible root regrowth I realised I had to do something. I had to get ‘Natalie Maroun’ on myself (to those of you who don’t know, Natalie Maroun is my feisty, fearless boss – basically the feminine version of Chuck Norris). So I did. Firstly, I went heel shopping. I bought a pair of really cute floral pumps that are ‘oh so sexy’ in a ‘goodie too shoes’ kind of way. Then, I bought a new car – a shiny little Mini that makes me feel twenty, frivolous and fancy free. And finally (and most importantly), I booked myself into counselling and actually went (not in the new heels though, they’re for a special occasion). I’m not going to lie – counselling was horrible! Afterwards I felt like my guts had been pulled out of my nose with a pair of tweezers. It hurt – especially in the nose and brain region. But my heart felt lighter and my head felt clearer which made all the difference.

Sometimes you need to take serious action to get your life back on track. For the little things, a shift, a change, a break, some headspace or even a little retail therapy will do the trick. But at other times we need deeper assistance. We need to make an appointment, take a drastic decision, or entirely change the course of our lives. Ultimately, we usually know what needs to be done. We know that things are not ok and that they need to be fixed. Don’t ignore your gut or your brain at the expense of your loyalty or others’ feelings (or even your own). This January, if you’re in a space where you know you need to make a change, do it and do it now. Your life depends on it.

As I apply my lipstick and my eyeliner in the mornings, I’ve been humming one of Michael Jackson’s most poignant tracks: “I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways…” The question is: Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you like your reflection? Are you happy with the thoughts that lie deep inside your eyes – hidden in the quiet places of your mind? The reality is that you can’t change anyone else around you – how disempowering! But what you can do, is change yourself. You can decide on your own destiny and head towards it with everything that you are.

High Heelers, I have now pulled on my heels again and am walking tall – chin up and the lot! I’m back on form, though a little out of shape. I’m standing tall in who I am and where I’m going. I don’t know all of the stops along the way, but I know the destination is great. Will you walk with me in 2012?

High Heelers, these heels were made for walking. They were also made for standing tall, climbing and healing. So, join me, heal up this week. Walk away from the things you need to and stand up to the things you know you must. Stand tall and adore who you are and where you’re going.


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